Initialize Method

Initializes a search for the specified word or phrase in the recognized text of the specified page of a document.

expression.Initialize(piDoc, strPattern, PageNum, WordIndex, StartAfterIndex, Backward, MatchMinus, MatchFullHalfWidthForm, MatchHiraganaKatakana, IgnoreSpace)

*expression   * Required. An expression that returns an MiDocSearch object.

piDoc    Required Object. The Document object to search.

strPattern    Required String. The word or phrase to search for.

PageNum    Required Variant. The zero-based page number to search.

WordIndex    Required Variant. The zero-based index of the word at which to begin the search.

StartAfterIndex    Required Variant. A Boolean value that specifies whether to start on or after the specified *WordIndex   *.

Backward    Required Variant. A Boolean value that specifies whether to search forward or backward.

MatchMinus    Optional Boolean. Default is True.

MatchFullHalfWidthForm    Optional Boolean. Default is true.

MatchHiraganaKatakana    Optional Boolean. Default is true.

IgnoreSpace    Optional Boolean. Specifies whether to ignore spaces in the recognized text when searching for the specified word or phrase. Default is true.


The Initialize method prepares the MiDocSearch object for a subsequent call to the Search method by supplying the document and page to search, the word or phrase to search for, and a number of additional search settings.


The following example initializes and runs a search of the recognized text of the first page in the document for the word or phrase entered in a textbox named txtSearch, and then displays the results.

Sub TestSearch()

  Dim miDoc As MODI.Document
  Dim miSearch As MODI.MiDocSearch
  Dim miTextSel As MODI.IMiSelectableItem
  Dim strSearchInfo As String
  Set miDoc = New MODI.Document
  miDoc.Create "C:\document1.tif"
  Set miSearch = New MODI.MiDocSearch
  miSearch.Initialize miDoc, txtSearch.Text, 0, 0, False, False
  miSearch.Search Nothing, miTextSel
  If miTextSel.Words.Count > 0 Then
    strSearchInfo = "The search found " & _
      miTextSel.Words.Count & _
      " instances of the search word(s)."
    strSearchInfo = "Search word(s) not found."
  End If
  MsgBox strSearchInfo, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, _
    "Search Information"
  Set miTextSel = Nothing
  Set miSearch = Nothing
  Set miDoc = Nothing

End Sub

Applies to | MiDocSearch Object