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SetMatchingField Method

Sets the value in the field of selected tasks or resources that meet the specified criteria.


expression**.SetMatchingField(Field, Value, CheckField, CheckValue, CheckTest, CheckOperation, CheckField2, CheckValue2, CheckTest2)**

*expression   *     Optional. An expression that returns an Application object.

Field Required String. The name of the field to set.

Value Required String. The value to which the field is set.

CheckField Required String. The name of the field to check.

CheckValue    Required String. The value to compare with the value of the field specified with CheckField.

CheckTest    Optional String. The type of comparison made between CheckField and CheckValue. The default value is "equals". Can be one of the following comparison strings:

Comparison String Description
"equals" The value of CheckField equals CheckValue.
"does not equal" The value of CheckField does not equal CheckValue.
"is greater than" The value of CheckField is greater than CheckValue.
"is greater than or equal to" The value of CheckField is greater than or equal to CheckValue.
"is less than" The value of CheckField is less than CheckValue.
"is less than or equal to" The value of CheckField is less than or equal to CheckValue.
"is within" The value of CheckField is within CheckValue.
"is not within" The value of CheckField is not within CheckValue.
"contains" CheckField contains CheckValue.
"does not contain" CheckField does not contain CheckValue.
"contains exactly" CheckField exactly contains CheckValue.

CheckOperation    Optional String. How the criteria established with CheckField, CheckTest, and CheckValue relate to the second criteria, if specified. The CheckOperation argument can be set to "And" or "Or". The default value is "And".

CheckField2 Required String. The name of the second field to check.

CheckValue2 Required String. The value to which the second field is set.

CheckTest2The type of comparison made between CheckField2 and CheckValue2. Can be one of the same comparison strings as CheckTest.

Applies to | Application Object

See Also | SetField Method | SetResourceField Method | SetTaskField Method