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SetRowHeight Method

Sets the height of the specified rows.


expression**.SetRowHeight(Unit, Rows, UseUniqueID)**

*expression   *     Optional. An expression that returns an Application object.

Unit    Required Integer. The height of the rows, in lines. The maximum value for Unit is 20.

Rows    Optional String. The row(s) to select. The value for Rows can be a single row (for example, "5"), a range of rows (for example, "1-8"), a list of discontiguous rows (for example, "5,7-9,12"), or "ALL" to select every row. If Rows is not specified and an existing selection exists, the selection will be used. The default with no existing selection is to use the active row.

UseUniqueID    Optional Boolean. True if the value specified with Rows is the unique identification number(s) for resources or tasks. False if Rows specifies row numbers. The default value is False.

Applies to | Application Object

See Also | SetSplitBar Method