Visible Property

ChDataLabel, ChLegendEntry, PivotLabel, and TitleBar objects: Returns or sets a Boolean that determines whether the specified object is visible. Set this property to False to hide the specified object. Read/write.

Sheets and Worksheets objects: Returns or sets a Variant that determines whether the specified object is visible. Set this property to False to hide the specified object. Read/write.

Window object. Returns a Boolean that indicates whether the specified window is visible. Read-only.


XlSheetVisibility can be one of these XlSheetVisibility constants.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


This example displays the legend for the specified chart and hides the specified legend entry.

Sub ShowLegend()

   ChartSpace1.Charts(0).HasLegend = True
   ChartSpace1.Charts(0).Legend.LegendEntries(1).Visible = False

End Sub

Applies to | ChDataLabel Object | ChLegendEntry Object | PivotLabel Object | Sheets Collection | TitleBar Object | Window Object | Worksheet Object | Worksheets Collection Object