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DefaultValue Property

Returns or sets a Variant that defines the default value of the field. Read/write.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The default value of all pre-populated fields is Empty.


The following example displays the names of all fields in the list and their associated default values. If the active Web site does not contain any lists, a message is displayed to the user.

Sub FieldDefaultValue()
'Display the default value of the field

    Dim objApp As FrontPage.Application
    Dim objField As ListField
    Dim strType As String

    Set objApp = FrontPage.Application

    If Not ActiveWeb.Lists Is Nothing Then
        'Display fields in first list of collection
        For Each objField In objApp.ActiveWeb.Lists.Item(0).Fields
            If strType = "" Then
                'if first value in string
                strType = objField.Name & "  -  " & _
                objField.DefaultValue & vbCr
                'add value to string
                strType = strType & objField.Name & "  -  " & _
                objField.DefaultValue & vbCr
            End If
        Next objField
        MsgBox "The names of the fields in this list and their default" & _
                     " values are: " & vbCr & strType
        'Otherwise display message to user
        MsgBox "The current Web site contains no lists."
    End If
End Sub

Applies to | ListFieldChoice Object | ListFieldCurrency Object | ListFieldDateTime Object | ListFieldMultiLine Object | ListFieldNumber Object | ListFieldSingleLine Object | ListFieldTrueFalse Object | ListFieldURL Object

See Also | List Object | ListField Object | ListFieldChoice Object | ListFieldComputed Object | ListFieldCounter Object | ListFieldCurrency Object | ListFieldDateTime Object | ListFieldFile Object | ListFieldInteger Object | ListFieldLookup Object | ListFieldMultiLine Object | ListFieldNumber Object | ListFields Collection | ListFieldSingleLine Object | ListFieldTrueFalse Object | ListFieldURL Object