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Description Property

Returns or sets a String that represents the description for the current list. The description appears below the title of the list on the default view page. Read/write.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The following example prompts the user to enter a description for the first list in the collection, and then changes the Description property based on the user's input.

Sub SetDescription()
'Set the list description

    Dim objApp As FrontPage.Application
    Dim objWeb As WebEx
    Dim lstWebList As List
    Dim StrDesc As String

    Set objApp = FrontPage.Application
    Set objWeb = objApp.ActiveWeb
    'Reference first list in collection
    Set lstWebList = objWeb.Lists.Item(0)
    'Get new description from user
    StrDesc = InputBox("Enter a new description for the list " & _
              lstWebList.Name & ".")
    'Set description property
    lstWebList.Description = StrDesc

End Sub

Applies to | BasicList Object | Discussion Object | DocumentLibrary Object | List Object | ListField Object | ListFieldAttachments Object | ListFieldChoice Object | ListFieldComputed Object | ListFieldCounter Object | ListFieldCurrency Object | ListFieldDateTime Object | ListFieldFile Object | ListFieldInteger Object | ListFieldLookup Object | ListFieldMultiLine Object | ListFieldNumber Object | ListFieldRatingScale Object | ListFieldSingleLine Object | ListFieldTrueFalse Object | ListFieldURL Object | Survey Object

See Also | BasicList Object | List Object | List Property | ListField Object | ListFieldChoice Object | ListFieldComputed Object | ListFieldCounter Object | ListFieldCurrency Object | ListFieldDateTime Object | ListFieldFile Object | ListFieldInteger Object | ListFieldLookup Object | ListFieldMultiLine Object | ListFieldNumber Object | ListFields Collection | ListFieldSingleLine Object | ListFieldTrueFalse Object | ListFieldURL Object | Lists Collection | Survey Object