IncludeLabel Property

True if the caption label and caption number are included in a table of figures. Read/write Boolean.


expression Required. An expression that returns a TableOfFigures object.


This example formats the first table of figures in the active document to exclude caption labels (Figure 1, for example).

If ActiveDocument.TablesOfFigures.Count >= 1 Then
    ActiveDocument.TablesOfFigures(1).IncludeLabel = False
End If

This example adds a table of figures in place of the selection and then formats the table to include caption labels.

Dim tofTemp As TableOfFigures

Set tofTemp = ActiveDocument.TablesOfFigures _
    .Add(Range:=Selection.Range, _

tofTemp.IncludeLabel = True

Applies to | TableOfFigures Object

See Also | Add Method | TablesOfFigures Collection Object | TablesOfFigures Property