Split Property [Excel 2003 VBA Language Reference]

True if the window is split. Read/write Boolean.


It's possible for FreezePanes to be True and Split to be False, or vice versa.

This property applies only to worksheets and macro sheets.


This example splits the active window in Book1.xls at cell B2, without freezing panes. This causes the Split property to return True.

With ActiveWindow
    .SplitColumn = 2
    .SplitRow = 2
End With

This example illustrates two ways of removing the split added by the preceding example.

ActiveWindow.Split = False            'method one
ActiveWindow.SplitColumn = 0        'method two
ActiveWindow.SplitRow = 0

This example removes the window split. Before you can remove the split, you must set FreezePanes to False to remove frozen panes.

With ActiveWindow
    .FreezePanes = False
    .Split = False
End With

Applies to | Window Object