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Levels Property

Levels property as it applies to the Ruler object.

Returns a RulerLevels object that represents outline indent formatting. Read-only.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.

Levels property as it applies to the TextStyle object.

Returns a TextStyleLevels object that represents outline text formatting. Read-only.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.


This example sets the first-line indent and hanging indent for outline level one in body text on the slide master for the active presentation, and then it sets the font name and font size for text at that level.

With Application.ActivePresentation _
    With .Ruler.Levels(1) ' sets indents for level 1
        .FirstMargin = 9
        .LeftMargin = 54
    End With
    With .Levels(1).Font  ' sets text formatting for level 1
        .Name = "arial"
        .Size = 36
    End With
End With

Applies to | Ruler Object | TextStyle Object