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Assistant.On Property

Office Developer Reference

Is True if the Office Assistant is enabled. Read/write.

Aa432317.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
The Microsoft Office Assistant and AnswerWizard have been depreciated in the 2007 release of the Microsoft Office system.



expression   A variable that represents an Assistant object.


This example disables the Office Assistant, displays a message box that asks the user whether the Assistant should be enabled, and enables the Assistant if the user clicks Yes. If the users enables the Assistant, the Assistant appears and performs the animation msoAnimationGreeting.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Assistant.On =  False
If MsgBox("Enable Office Assistant?", _
    vbYesNo, "Assistant is Off") = vbYes Then
    Assistant.On = True 
    Assistant.Visible = True 
    Assistant.Animation = _
End If

See Also