TableView.RowFont Property

Outlook Developer Reference

Returns a ViewFont object that represents the font used when displaying rows in the TableView object. Read-only.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Outlook 2007



expression   A variable that represents a TableView object.


The following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) sample increments the value of the Size property for the ViewFont object returned from the RowFont property for the current TableView object.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Private Sub IncreaseRowFontSize()
    Dim objTableView As TableView
    If Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentView.ViewType = _
        olTableView Then
        ' Obtain a TableView object reference for the
        ' current table view.
        Set objTableView = _
        ' Increment the Size property of the
        ' ViewFont object obtained from the
        ' RowFont property, but only
        ' if the font is less than 24 points
        ' in size.
        If objTableView.RowFont.Size < 24 Then
            objTableView.RowFont.Size = _
                objTableView.RowFont.Size + 1
            ' Save the table view.
        End If
    End If
End Sub

See Also