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SelectNamesDialog.Display Method

Outlook Developer Reference

Displays the Select Names dialog box.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Outlook 2007



expression   A variable that represents a SelectNamesDialog object.

Return Value
A Boolean value that is True if the user has clicked OK, and False if the user has clicked Cancel or the Close icon.


When displaying the Select Names dialog box, Display uses the previous location and size (indicated by the top, left, width, and height) of the dialog box.

The Select Names dialog box is modal, meaning that code execution will halt until the user clicks OK, Cancel, or the close icon.

You should detect for error conditions that include insufficient memory or another message or dialog box is open.


The following code sample shows how to create a mail item, allow the user to select recipients from the Exchange Global Address List in the Select Names dialog box, and if the user has selected recipients that can be completely resolved, then send the mail item.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub SelectRecipients()
    Dim oMsg As MailItem
    Set oMsg = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    Dim oDialog As SelectNamesDialog
    Set oDialog = Application.Session.GetSelectNamesDialog
    With oDialog
        .InitialAddressList = _
        .Recipients = oMsg.Recipients
        If .Display Then
            'Recipients Resolved
            oMsg.Subject = "Hello"
        End If
     End With
End Sub

See Also