XlListDataType Enumeration

Specifies the data type of a list column connected to a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services site.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Excel 2007

Name Value Description
xlListDataTypeCheckbox 9 Check box.
xlListDataTypeChoice 6 Single-choice field.
xlListDataTypeChoiceMulti 7 Multiple-choice field.
xlListDataTypeCounter 11 Counter.
xlListDataTypeCurrency 4 Currency.
xlListDataTypeDateTime 5 Date/time.
xlListDataTypeHyperLink 10 Hyperlink.
xlListDataTypeListLookup 8 Lookup list.
xlListDataTypeMultiLineRichText 12 Rich text format with multiple lines.
xlListDataTypeMultiLineText 2 Plain text with multiple lines.
xlListDataTypeNone 0 Type not specified.
xlListDataTypeNumber 3 Numerical.
xlListDataTypeText 1 Plain text.