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Access Developer Reference

This page links to help on widely used miscellaneous tasks. To view other categories of popular tasks covered in Help, see How Do I… in Access.


How to: Calculate Age

Describes how to calculate the age of a person or thing based on a given date.

How to: Calculate and Display Specific Date Values

Describes how to create expressions for displaying specific dates and calculating time intervals.

How to: Calculate Elapsed Time

Describes how to calculate elapsed time.

How to: Find the Number of Working Days Between Two Dates

Contains a custom function that you can use to determine the number of working days between two dates.

How to: Format Dates as U.S. Dates Regardless of Regional Settings

Contains a custom function that formats dates in U.S. date format, regardless of the region that you have set in the Regional Settings tool in Control Panel.

How to: Specify Date and Time in Criteria Expressions

Describes how to specify date or time criteria for an operation.

How to: Use Date and Time Criteria from a Control on a Form

Describes how to change the criteria argument for an operation based on a user's decision.

Criteria Expressions

How to: Calculate Fields in Domain Aggregate Functions

Describes how to use the expr argument in a domain aggregate function to perform a calculation on values in a field.

How to: Include Quotation Marks in String Expressions

Describes how to embed quotation marks in an SQL expression.

How to: Sort Records in Case-Sensitive ( ASCII) Order

Contains a custom function that can be used to sort records in case-sensitive order.

How to: Specify Date and Time in Criteria Expressions

Describes how to specify date or time criteria for an operation.

How to: Use Multiple Fields in Criteria Expressions

Describes how to specify multiple fields in a criteria argument.

How to: Use Numeric Criteria from a Control on a Form

Describes how to specify numeric criteria coming from a control on a form.

How to: Use Numeric Criteria in Expressions

Describes how to specify numeric criteria for an operation.

How to: Use Textual Criteria Expressions

Describes how to specify textual criteria for an operation.

How to: Use Textual Criteria from a Control on a Form

Describes how to specify textual criteria coming from a control on a form.

How to: Use User Input to Build Filter Criteria

Describes how to build criteria based on user input.

Windows API

How to: Determine When a Shelled Process Ends

Describes how to use the Windows API to wait for an external process.

How to: Programmatically Retrieve Printer Capabilities

Describes how to use the Windows API to determine a printer's capabilities.

How to: Retrieve Information from the Clipboard

Describes two methods for pasting information form the Clipboard programmatically.

How to: Send Information to the Clipboard

Describes two methods for copying information to the Clipboard programmatically.

How to: Retrieve the Name of the User Logged On To the Network

Describes how to use the Windows API to retrieve the name of the user logged on to the computer.


How to: Compact and Repair a Database

Describes how to compact and repair a database.

How to: Recover Tables Deleted from a Database

Describes a method for recovering tables that have been deleted.

How to: Handle Run-Time Errors in VBA

Describes how to trap run-time errors.

See Also

How Do I... in Access