LoginForms.Logoff Method

Log off the current Project Server user who logged on with Project Server authentication.

Namespace:  WebSvcLoginForms
Assembly:  ProjectServerWebServices (in ProjectServerWebServices.dll)


<SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/project/server/webservices/LoginForms/Logoff", RequestNamespace := "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/project/server/webservices/LoginForms/",  _
    ResponseNamespace := "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/project/server/webservices/LoginForms/",  _
    Use := SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle := SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)> _
Public Sub Logoff
Dim instance As LoginForms

[SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/project/server/webservices/LoginForms/Logoff", RequestNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/project/server/webservices/LoginForms/", 
    ResponseNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/project/server/webservices/LoginForms/", 
    Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle = SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)]
public void Logoff()


After a successful log off, set the CookieContainer property to a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) for other PSI Web service objects in the same application. For more information, see How to: Log on to Project Server Programmatically.


The LogonPS method in the following example handles logon and the LogoffPS method handles logoff for both Project Server authentication and Windows authentication.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;

namespace LoginDemo
    class LoginUtils
        const string LOGINWINDOWS = "_vti_bin/PSI/LoginWindows.asmx";
        const string LOGINFORMS = "_vti_bin/PSI/LoginForms.asmx";

        private static LoginWindowsWebSvc.LoginWindows loginWindows =
            new LoginWindowsWebSvc.LoginWindows();
        private static LoginFormsWebSvc.LoginForms loginForms =
            new LoginFormsWebSvc.LoginForms();
        private CookieContainer cookies = new CookieContainer();

        private string baseUrl; // Example: http://ServerName/ProjectServer/

        public LoginUtils()

        public string BaseUrl
                return baseUrl;

        public CookieContainer Cookies
                return loginForms.CookieContainer;

        // Log on Project Server.
        // Returns true for successful logon.
        public bool LogonPS(bool useWinLogon, string bUrl,
            string userName, string password)
            bool logonSucceeded = false;
            baseUrl = bUrl;

            if (useWinLogon)
                loginWindows.Url = baseUrl + LOGINWINDOWS;
                loginWindows.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

                if (loginWindows.Login()) logonSucceeded = true;
            else  // Use LoginForms
                loginForms.Url = baseUrl + LOGINFORMS;
                loginForms.CookieContainer = cookies;

                if (loginForms.Login(userName, password)) logonSucceeded = true;
            return logonSucceeded;

        // Log off Project Server.
        // Returns true for successful logoff.
        public bool LogoffPS(bool useWinLogon)
            bool loggedOff = true;
            if (useWinLogon)
            return loggedOff;

The following code instantiates and uses the LoginUtils class for Project Server authentication. The project object is an example that shows how to remove the user context for a PSI Web service.

private bool windowsAuth = false;  // Use Project Server authentication
private static LoginUtils loginUtils = new LoginUtils();
public static ProjectWebSvc.Project project = 
    new ProjectWebSvc.Project();
. . .
private void LogOff()
    bool loggedOff = false;
    string errMess = "";
        loggedOff = loginUtils.LogoffPS(windowsAuth);
    catch (SoapException ex)
        errMess = ex.Message.ToString();
    catch (WebException ex)
        errMess = ex.Message.ToString();
    if (loggedOff)
        MessageBox.Show(errMess, "Logoff Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, 

/// <summary>
/// Remove the user credentials or logon cookie from each PSI Web service object.
/// </summary>
public void RemoveContextInfo()
    if (windowsAuth)
        project.Credentials = null;
        project.CookieContainer = null;

See Also


LoginForms Class

LoginForms Members

WebSvcLoginForms Namespace