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System Object Members

SharePoint Designer Developer Reference

Provides access to system information such as the operating system, screen resolution, or registry.


  Name Description
Application Returns an Application object that represents the 2nd_SPDesignerGeneric application.
Build Returns the build number of the operating system. Read-only String.
HorizontalResolution Returns a Long that represents the horizontal resolution of the screen in pixels.
LanguageDesignation Returns a String that represents the abbreviated name of the designated language of the operating system.
OperatingSystem Returns a String that represents the name of the current operating system; for example, "Windows" or "Windows NT".
Parent Returns an Object that represents the parent object of the specified object. Read-only.
ProfileString Returns or sets a String that represents an entry in the Microsoft Windows registry under the 1st_SPDesignerGeneric subkey. Read/write.
Version Returns a String that represents the version of the operating system.
VerticalResolution Returns a Long that represents the vertical resolution of the screen in pixels.