GridHeaderUtils.GetRootMostHeaderOfType Method (Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards)

Gets the root-most header of a specific type in a collection of headers.

Namespace: Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards
Assembly: Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Client (in microsoft.performancepoint.scorecards.client.dll)


Public Shared Function GetRootMostHeaderOfType ( _
    headers As List(Of GridHeaderItem), _
    headerType As ScorecardNodeTypes _
) As GridHeaderItem
Dim headers As List(Of GridHeaderItem)
Dim headerType As ScorecardNodeTypes
Dim returnValue As GridHeaderItem

returnValue = GridHeaderUtils.GetRootMostHeaderOfType(headers, headerType)
public static GridHeaderItem GetRootMostHeaderOfType (
    List<GridHeaderItem> headers,
    ScorecardNodeTypes headerType


  • headers
    The headers to filter.
  • headerType
    The header type or types to filter by.

Return Value

The root-most header in the headers collection with the specified type. Returns null if no such header exists in the collection.


Exception type Condition


Thrown when headers is null.


The headerType parameter can be the bit-wise combination of multiple types.

See Also


GridHeaderUtils Class
GridHeaderUtils Members
Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards Namespace