GridHeaderUtils.FindFirstMatch Method (Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards)

Gets the first equivalent path match for a path in a collection of paths.

Namespace: Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards
Assembly: Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Client (in microsoft.performancepoint.scorecards.client.dll)


Public Shared Function FindFirstMatch ( _
    pathToMatch As List(Of GridHeaderItem), _
    paths As List(Of List(Of GridHeaderItem)) _
) As List(Of GridHeaderItem)
Dim pathToMatch As List(Of GridHeaderItem)
Dim paths As List(Of List(Of GridHeaderItem))
Dim returnValue As List(Of GridHeaderItem)

returnValue = GridHeaderUtils.FindFirstMatch(pathToMatch, paths)
public static List<GridHeaderItem> FindFirstMatch (
    List<GridHeaderItem> pathToMatch,
    List<List<GridHeaderItem>> paths


  • pathToMatch
    The path to match.
  • paths
    The collection of paths to search.

Return Value

The matching equivalent path. Returns null if no equivalent path is found.


Exception type Condition


Thrown when either pathToMatch or paths are null.


An equivalent path is one that has the same number of headers, and each header has the same type, dimension name, and dimension value.

See Also


GridHeaderUtils Class
GridHeaderUtils Members
Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards Namespace