Views Table

The Views table identifies the views and forms for each list, which can have multiple views and forms. For example, a tasks list may have separate views to show all tasks, overdue tasks, or an individual user's tasks. All lists have separate forms for viewing and editing data.

The following table indicates the fields and data types that are used in the Views table.

Column Name Data Type Description
tp_ID Counter The primary key of the view. Uniquely identifies each view.
tp_ListID Integer The list to which the view belongs.
tp_ViewName Text The unique internal name of the view, which may be a GUID if used on the home page. Used to hook up the page to the view.
tp_Type Choice Indicates the type of view or form, for example, the default view, edit item form, new item form, or display item form, and so forth.
tp_BaseViewID Integer Used for upgrades of the view to match a view in the database with the view definition in the list schema. This allows changes to be made to the precanned lists and views during the upgrade. Views with a BaseViewID setting of 0 (zero) indicate default home page views, which can be modified by the Customize home page layout command on the team Web site Site Settings page.
tp_Flags Integer Bit map that indicates read-only, hidden, and other view attributes.
tp_View Note The CAML metadata that describes the view of a list. This field is NULL for forms.
tp_Created DateTime The date and time that the view was created.
tp_Modified DateTime The date and time that the view was most recently modified.
tp_Version Integer The version number of the row. Used for concurrency checking to make sure users do not overwrite each other's changes.
tp_PageURLID URL The URL of the page that renders the view, which is a lookup to the URLs (DocMd) table.
tp_DisplayName Text The display name of the view, for example, All Tasks, My Tasks, and so forth.
tp_Query Note Not used.

See Also

Location of CAML

Overview of the SharePoint Team Services Database

List Data Types

Using SQL with the SharePoint Team Services Database