ASP-based Applications

Publishing and Knowledge Management Collaboration Data Objects (PKMCDO) prompt the user for authentication by default. There are two ways to turn off the prompt for authentication:

  • On all objects, except the KnowledgeVersion object, set the PromptToAuthenticate property to VARIANT_FALSE.
  • If you open an object using a Connection object, set the Prompt property on the Connection object to adPromptNever (value is 4).

Use the Object Model inside Active Server Pages (ASP) only when Allow Anonymous is disabled under the SharePoint Portal Server VROOT. Explicitly disable Anonymous for any other VROOT.

When developing a Web Part or an ASP-based application that performs read-only operations, such as querying for document properties, use DAV to perform the query and the ServerXmlHttp object to format the results. Do not use PKMCDO or Microsoft ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO).

When developing a Web Part or an ASP-based application that write data, use PKMCDO or ADO. If you use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing (MSDAIPP), the default provider for the “http:” namespace, ensure that you have disabled authentication prompting. Alternatively, you can use the Exchange OLE DB (ExOLEDB) provider by setting "exoledb.datasource" as the connection object.

When developing a Web Part or an ASP-based application that uses the KnowledgeVersion object, the flags parameter of the methods of this object except the Impersonate method indicates whether ServerXMLHTTP or WININET is used to send the requests. ASP applications and Web Parts on a computer running SharePoint Portal Server must use ServerXMLHTTP. Using WININET might cause Internet Information Services (IIS) to become unresponsive.