SharePoint Portal Server Interface Implementations

Some object properties are SharePoint Portal Server implementations of other standard Microsoft interfaces such as ADO and Collaboration Data Objects for Exchange (CDOEX). Each document management object provides access to various properties and methods by using interfaces to common objects. For example, all SharePoint Portal Server objects, except the KnowledgeVersion object, support the IDataSource interface from CDOEX. The IDataSource.SaveTo method saves the document.


It is important to ensure that no illegal characters are used in the URL that is passed to the DataSource.SaveTo method. For more information on legal characters for the URL, see Addressing by Using URLs.

This SharePoint Portal Server Software Development Kit (SDK) describes only the SharePoint Portal Server-specific behavior of these items.

The Publishing and Knowledge Management Collaboration Data Objects (PKMCDO) provide full access to the document management functions of the SharePoint Portal Server. PKMCDO implements and exposes the SharePoint Portal Server object model for developers to program against. CDOEX is supported only on Exchange 2000 servers.

See Also

Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (from the platform SDK)

Microsoft Platform SDK