GenerateQueryString(String, System.Collections.ArrayList, String, String) Method

The GenerateQueryString method of the QueryResultBase class processes the query template and replaces placeholders with run-time values.


strKeyword    Keywords to include in the query.

rgScopeList    An array of search scopes to include in the query.

strWhereAndPart    WHERE clause to include in the query.

strSavedQuery    Out parameter that receives the resulting query.

Return Value

String that contains the resulting query.


The GenerateQueryString method replaces placeholders in the query template with run-time values. The placeholders are indicated by "%__ __%" substrings. The following table shows the placeholders implemented in this method, and a short description for each.

Placeholder Condition
%__keywordinput__% Replaced with the keywords specified in the search box.
%__keywordinputforcontains__% Replaced with the keywords specified in the search box, with encoding for query.
%__UserIdentity__% Replaced with the current user logon value, domain_name\user_name.
%__Scopes__% Replaced with the specified search scopes.
%__querystring(id)__% Replaced with HttpRequest.QueryString["id"], if specified.
%__formfield(id)__% Replace with HttpRequest.Form["id"].

Your can extend the template translation process by overriding this method in your derived class.


Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Security: Code Access Security