GenerateHtmlForRowColumn(System.Data.DataRow, System.Text.StringBuilder, Int32) Method

The GenerateHtmlForRowColumn method of the SearchResults class generates the HTML that is displayed for a table cell in a table row for the specified DataRow in the search result set. This position in the rendered HTML results contains the path to the specified item.


oneDataRow   Reference to the DataRow in the result set.

strColumnHtml  StringBuilder that contains the HTML for the specified column. HTML is appended to this string.

iColumn   Index of the column with HTML content to modify.


The GenerateHtmlForRowColumn method overrides the GenerateHtmlForRowColumn method in the QueryResultBase class. It generates the HTML that is displayed for a table cell in a table row. This method is called when a DataRow is rendered for the first HTML table row. The table row can have several columns. Each column can be rendered by this method.


Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Security: Code Access Security