GetAlertCreationLink(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) Method

The GetAlertCreationLink method of the AlertType class Creates an "Alert Me" link by using the specified parameters. It uses the current HTTP context to identify the current portal site.


alertTypeId   Alert type.

objectDefinition   Identifier or description of the object that this alert describes.

objectUrl   URL for the object that this alert describes.

objectDisplayName   Display name for the object that this alert describes.

suggestedTitle   Title for the new alert.

xmlParameters   Additional parameters.

urlToReturnTo   URL to which user is redirected when this operation is complete.

Return Value

String that contains the URL to the new alert page.


The GetAlertCreationLink method is a static, protected method and cannot be overwritten in your derived class.


Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Security: Code Access Security