SPHealthAnalyzer.UnregisterRules method

Removes all the rules in an assembly from the SharePoint Health Analyzer rules list for the local farm.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Health
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)


Public Shared Function UnregisterRules ( _
    assembly As Assembly _
) As IDictionary(Of Type, Exception)
Dim assembly As [Assembly]
Dim returnValue As IDictionary(Of Type, Exception)

returnValue = SPHealthAnalyzer.UnregisterRules(assembly)
public static IDictionary<Type, Exception> UnregisterRules(
    Assembly assembly


Return value

Type: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<Type, Exception>
A list of types that could not be removed and the exceptions that were thrown when unregistration was attempted.


The following example shows how to call the UnregisterRules method in the FeatureDeactivating method of a class derived from the SPFeatureReceiver class. The example assumes that the feature receiver is in the same assembly as the rules that are being unregistered.

public override void FeatureDeactivating(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
    Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
    IDictionary<Type, Exception> exceptions = SPHealthAnalyzer.UnregisterRules(a);

    if (exceptions != null)
        string logEntry = a.FullName;
        if (exceptions.Count == 0)
            logEntry += " All rules were unregistered.";
            foreach (KeyValuePair<Type, Exception> pair in exceptions)
                logEntry += string.Format(" Unregistration failed for type {0}. {1}",
                                          pair.Key, pair.Value.Message);
Public Overrides Sub FeatureDeactivating(ByVal properties As Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFeatureReceiverProperties)

    Dim a As Assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
    Dim exceptions As IDictionary(Of Type, Exception) = SPHealthAnalyzer.UnregisterRules(a)

    If Not exceptions Is Nothing Then
        Dim logEntry As String = a.FullName
        If exceptions.Count = 0 Then
            logEntry += " All rules were unregistered."
            Dim pair As KeyValuePair(Of Type, Exception)
            For Each pair In exceptions
                logEntry += String.Format(" Unregistration failed for type {0}. {1}", _
                                              pair.Key, pair.Value.Message)
        End If
    End If

End Sub

See also


SPHealthAnalyzer class

SPHealthAnalyzer members

Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Health namespace