SPClaimTypes members

Contains claim types that are used by the security token service (STS) and claims providers found in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims namespace.

The SPClaimTypes type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public propertyStatic member AlternativeNameId
Public propertyStatic member AlternativeNameIdIssuer
Public propertyStatic member ApplicationTokenCacheKey The token reference returned by the STS to reissue tokens.
Public propertyStatic member AuthenticationInstantUtc
Public propertyStatic member AuthenticationValidFromUtc
Public propertyStatic member ClaimProviderContext Claim Provider Context claim in IClaimsPrincipal
Public propertyStatic member CookieAuthenticationValidFromUtc
Public propertyStatic member DistributionListClaimType Gets a string that represents ClaimType used in an SPClaim object that represents a distribution list.
Public propertyStatic member FarmId Gets the type for the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation farm claim.
Public propertyStatic member FederatedDirectoryUserId
Public propertyStatic member IdentityProvider Gets a string that represents ClaimType used in an SPClaim object that contains information to help determine the identity provider.
Public propertyStatic member IsAuthenticated Gets a string that represents ClaimType used in an SPClaim object that indicates if the user is authenticated or not.
Public propertyStatic member ModernGroupClaimType
Public propertyStatic member NameId NameId claim in IClaimsPrincipal
Public propertyStatic member NameIdIssuer NameIdIssuer claim in IClaimsPrincipal
Public propertyStatic member ProofKey The ProofKey claim contained in incoming/outgoing tokens
Public propertyStatic member ProviderUserKey Gets the type used for the user identifier returned by a membership provider.
Public propertyStatic member ReleaseProgram
Public propertyStatic member SIP SIP claim in IClaimsPrincipal
Public propertyStatic member SMTP SMTP claim in IClaimsPrincipal
Public propertyStatic member SPFormOperation
Public propertyStatic member TokenReference Gets a string that represents ClaimType used in an SPClaim object that contains a reference to a token.
Public propertyStatic member UserIdentifier Gets the type for the universal user identifier claim found on all tokens emitted by the security token service (SPSecurityTokenService).
Public propertyStatic member UserLogonName Gets a string that represents ClaimType used in an SPClaim that contains a user name.
Public propertyStatic member UserPrincipalName UPN claim in IClaimsPrincipal



  Name Description
Public methodStatic member Equals Compares two ClaimType objects.
Public methodStatic member IsValid Determines whether a claim type is valid.


See also


SPClaimTypes class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims namespace