CompositeTaskConstants members

Provides the values of the completion criteria for the composite task.

The CompositeTaskConstants type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member AtLeastOneOfOutcome Specifies that at least one of the tasks must be completed for the composite task to be completed.
Public fieldStatic member AtLeastPercentageOfOutcome Specifies that at least a specific percentage of the task must be completed for the composite task to be completed.
Public fieldStatic member SpGroupPrincipalType Specifies that the principal is a SharePoint group.
Public fieldStatic member WaitForAllTaskToComplete Specifies that the composite task should wait until all tasks have been completed.
Public fieldStatic member WaitForOneTaskToComplete Specifies that the composite task should wait until one task has been completed.


See also


CompositeTaskConstants class

Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.Activities namespace