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Displays the current call stack.


Get-PSCallStack []


The Get-PSCallStack cmdlet displays the current call stack.

Although it is designed to be used with the Windows PowerShell debugger, you can use this cmdlet to display the call stack in a script or function outside of the debugger.

To run a Get-PSCallStack command while in the debugger, type "k" or "get-pscallstack".


Example 1

PS> function my-alias {
$p = $args[0]
get-alias | Where-Object {$_.definition -like "*$p"} | Format-Table definition, name -auto
PS C:\ps-test> set-psbreakpoint -command my-alias

Command    : my-alias
Action     :
Enabled    : True
HitCount   : 0
Id         : 0
Script     : prompt

PS C:\ps-test> my-alias get-content

Entering debug mode. Use h or ? for help.
Hit Command breakpoint on 'prompt:my-alias'
my-alias get-content
[DBG]: PS C:\ps-test> s
$p = $args[0]
DEBUG: Stepped to ':    $p = $args[0]    '
[DBG]: PS C:\ps-test> s
get-alias | Where-Object {$_.Definition -like "*$p*"} | Format-Table Definition,
[DBG]: PS C:\ps-test>get-pscallstack
Name        CommandLineParameters         UnboundArguments              Location
----        ---------------------         ----------------              --------
prompt      {}                            {}                            prompt
my-alias    {}                            {get-content}                 prompt
prompt      {}                            {}                            prompt
[DBG]: PS C:\ps-test> o
Definition  Name
----------  ----
Get-Content gc
Get-Content cat
Get-Content type


This command uses the Get-PSCallStack cmdlet to display the call stack for My-Alias, a simple function that gets the aliases for a cmdlet name.

The first command enters the function at the Windows PowerShell prompt. The second command uses the Set-PSBreakpoint cmdlet to set a breakpoint on the My-Alias function. The third command uses the My-Alias function to get all of the aliases in the current session for the Get-Content cmdlet.

The debugger breaks in at the function call. Two consecutive step-into (s) commands begin executing the function line by line. Then, a Get-PSCallStack command is used to retrieve the call stack.

The final command is a Step-Out command (o) that exits the debugger and continues executing the script to completion.



You cannot pipe objects to this cmdlet.



Get-PSCallStack returns an object that represents the items in the call stack.