Database Properties

Public Properties

(see also Protected Properties )

  Name Description
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif ActiveConnections
Gets the number of active connections to the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif ActiveDirectory
Gets the information about the Active Directory settings for the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif ApplicationRoles
Represents a collection of ApplicationRole objects. Each ApplicationRole object represents an application role defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Assemblies
Represents a collection of SqlAssembly objects. Each SqlAssembly object represents an assembly defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif AsymmetricKeys
Represents a collection of AsymmetricKey objects. Each AsymmetricKey object represents an asymmetric key defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif AutoCreateStatisticsEnabled
Gets a Boolean property value that specifies whether statistics are automatically created for the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif AutoUpdateStatisticsEnabled
Gets a Boolean property value that specifies whether statistics are automatically updated for the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif CaseSensitive
Gets a Boolean property value that specifies whether uppercase letters and lowercase letters are evaluated as equal.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Certificates
Represents a collection of Certificate objects. Each Certificate object represents a certificate defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Collation
Gets or sets the default collation used by the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif CompatibilityLevel
Gets or sets the compatibility level for the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif CreateDate
Gets the date that the database was created.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif DatabaseGuid
Gets the Guid value that uniquely identifies the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif DatabaseOptions
Gets the DatabaseOptions object that contains configuration options for the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif DatabaseSnapshotBaseName
Gets the name of the snapshot base for the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif DataSpaceUsage
Gets the space used by the data in the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif DboLogin
Gets the Boolean value that specifies whether the current user is logged on as the database owner (DBO).
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif DefaultFileGroup
Gets the default file group used by the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif DefaultFullTextCatalog
Gets the default full-text catalog used by the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Defaults
Represents a collection of Default objects. Each Default object represents a default defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif DefaultSchema
Gets the default schema of the user.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Events
Gets the events associated with the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif ExtendedProperties
Gets the extended properties of the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif ExtendedStoredProcedures
Represents a collection of ExtendedStoredProcedure objects. Each ExtendedStoredProcedure object represents an extended stored procedure defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif FileGroups
Represents a collection of FileGroup objects. Each FileGroup object represents a filegroup defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif FullTextCatalogs
Represents a collection of FullTextCatalog objects. Each FullTextCatalog object represents a full-text catalog defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif ID
Gets the database ID value that uniquely identifies the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IndexSpaceUsage
Gets the space used by the indexes in the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsAccessible
Gets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the database can be accessed.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsDatabaseSnapshot
Gets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the database is a snapshot database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsDatabaseSnapshotBase
Gets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the database is the base database for a snapshot database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsDbAccessAdmin
Gets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the current user is a member of the DbAccessAdmin database role.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsDbBackupOperator
Gets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the current user is a member of the DbBackupOperator database role.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsDbDatareader
Gets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the current user is a member of the DbDatareader database role.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsDbDatawriter
Gets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the current user is a member of the DbDatawriter database role.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsDbDdlAdmin
Gets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the current user is a member of the DbDdlAdmin database role.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsDbDenyDatareader
Gets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the current user is a member of the DbDenyDatareader database role.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsDbDenyDatawriter
Gets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the current member is a member of the DbDenyDatawriter database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsDbOwner
Gets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the current user is a member of the DbOwner database role.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsDbSecurityAdmin
Gets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the current user is a member of the DbSecurityAdmin database role.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsFullTextEnabled
Gets the Boolean value that specifies whether the database is enabled for full-text search.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsMailHost
Gets the Boolean value that specifies whether the database is configured as a mail host.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsMirroringEnabled
Gets the Boolean value that specifies whether mirroring is enabled on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsSystemObject
Gets the Boolean value that specifies whether the database is a system object or a user-defined database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsUpdateable
Gets the Boolean value that specifies whether the database can be updated.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif LastBackupDate
Gets the date and time when the database was last backed up.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif LastLogBackupDate
Gets the date and time when the transaction log was last backed up.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif LogFiles
Represents a collection of LogFile objects. Each LogFile object represents a log file defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif LogReuseWaitStatus
Gets the type of operation on which the reuse of transaction log space is waiting on.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif MasterKey
Gets the master key used to encrypt the private keys of certificates.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif MirroringFailoverLogSequenceNumber
Gets the log sequence number at last failover.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif MirroringID
Gets the ID value that uniquely identifies the mirroring partnership.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif MirroringPartner
Gets or sets the address of the Database Engine instance that is the partner server for database mirroring.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif MirroringPartnerInstance
Gets the instance of SQL Server on which the mirroring partner is configured.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif MirroringRoleSequence
Gets the role sequence number for primary/backup roles played by the mirroring partners.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif MirroringSafetyLevel
Gets or sets the mirroring safety level.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif MirroringSafetySequence
Gets the role sequence number for safety levels for the mirroring partners.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif MirroringStatus
Gets the status of the database and the database mirroring session.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif MirroringWitness
Gets or sets the name of the database-engine instance of the database mirroring witness server.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif MirroringWitnessStatus
Gets the status of the mirroring witness server.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Name 
Gets or sets the name of the object.
(inherited from NamedSmoObject )
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Owner
Gets the database principal that is the owner of the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Parent
Gets the Server object that is the parent of the Database object.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif PartitionFunctions
Represents a collection of PartitionFunction objects. Each PartitionFunction object represents a partition function defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif PartitionSchemes
Represents a collection of PartitionScheme objects. Each PartitionScheme object represents a partition scheme defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif PrimaryFilePath
Gets the path and name of the operating system directory that contains the primary file for the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Properties 
Gets a collection of Property objects that represent the object properties.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif RecoveryForkGuid
Gets the GUID value that specifies the recovery fork on which the database is currently active.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif ReplicationOptions
Gets the active replication settings for a database,
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Roles
Represents a collection of DatabaseRole objects. Each DatabaseRole object represents a role defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Rules
Represents a collection of Rule objects. Each Rule object represents a rule defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Schemas
Represents a collection of Schema objects. Each Schema object represents a schema defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif ServiceBroker
Gets the ServiceBroker object that represents the Microsoft Service Broker.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif ServiceBrokerGuid
Gets the Guid object that uniquely identifies the instance of Microsoft Service Broker.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Size
Gets the size of the database in megabytes.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif SpaceAvailable
Gets the available space in the database in kilobytes.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif State 
Gets the state of the referenced object.
(inherited from SmoObjectBase )
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Status
Gets the database status.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif StoredProcedures
Represents a collection of StoredProcedure objects. Each StoredProcedure object represents a stored procedure defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif SymmetricKeys
Represents a collection of SymmetricKey objects. Each SymmetricKey object represents a symmetric key defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Synonyms
Represents a collection of Synonym objects. Each Synonym object represents a synonym defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Tables
Represents a collection of Table objects. Each Table object represents a table defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Triggers
Represents a collection of DatabaseDdlTrigger objects. Each DatabaseDdlTrigger object represents a trigger defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Urn 
Gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) address value that uniquely identifies the object.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif UserData 
Gets or sets user-defined data associated with the referenced object.
(inherited from SmoObjectBase )
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif UserDefinedAggregates
Represents a collection of UserDefinedAggregate objects. Each UserDefinedAggregate object represents a user-defined aggregate defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif UserDefinedDataTypes
Represents a collection of UserDefinedDataType objects. Each UserDefinedDataType object represents a user-defined data type on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif UserDefinedFunctions
Represents a collection of UserDefinedFunction objects. Each UserDefinedFunction object represents a user-defined function on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif UserDefinedTypes
Represents a collection of UserDefinedType objects. Each UserDefinedType object represents a user-defined type on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif UserName
Gets or sets the database user name.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Users
Represents a collection of User objects. Each User object represents a user who is defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Version
Gets the version of the instance of SQL Server that was used to create the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif Views
Represents a collection of View objects. Each View object represents a view defined on the database.
ms219442.pubproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif XmlSchemaCollections
Represents a collection of XmlSchemaCollection objects. Each XmlSchemaCollection object represents an XML schema defined on the database.

Protected Properties

  Name Description
ms219442.protproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif ExecuteForScalar 
Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the object is set to the execute for scalar option.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms219442.protproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif ObjectInSpace 
Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the object exists in isolation or whether it is connected to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server directly or indirectly.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms219442.protproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif PresetProperties 
Gets or sets the preset properties of the referenced object.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms219442.protproperty(en-US,SQL.90).gif ScalarResult 
Gets the scalar result for the referenced object.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )

See Also


Database Class
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo Namespace

Other Resources

How to: Create, Alter, and Remove a Database in Visual Basic .NET
Creating, Altering, and Removing Databases