Server Methods

Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif Alter
Updates any Server object property changes on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif AttachDatabase Overloaded.
Attaches an existing database that is made up of one or more files to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif CompareUrn
Compares two Uniform Resource Name (URN) addresses.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif DeleteBackupHistory Overloaded.
Deletes the backup history for this instance of Microsoft SQL Server up until the specified date and time.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif Deny Overloaded.
Denies the specified set of permissions for the specified grantees on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif DetachDatabase Overloaded.
Detaches a database from the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif DetachedDatabaseInfo
Returns information about a detached database file.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumAvailableMedia Overloaded.
Enumerates a list of media that are visible to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server on the local area network.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumCollations
Enumerates a list of collations supported by the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumDatabaseMirrorWitnessRoles Overloaded.
Enumerates a list of database mirror witness roles.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumDetachedDatabaseFiles
Enumerates a list of detached database files.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumDetachedLogFiles
Enumerates a list of detached log files.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumDirectories
Enumerates a list of directories relative to the specified path.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumErrorLogs
Enumerates a list of Microsoft SQL Server error log files.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumLocks Overloaded.
Enumerates a list of current locks held on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumMembers
Enumerates a list of members of server roles and database roles on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumObjectPermissions Overloaded.
Enumerates a list of permissions for objects on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumPerformanceCounters Overloaded.
Enumerates a list of performance counters that are supported by the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumProcesses Overloaded.
Enumerates a list of processes running on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumServerAttributes
Enumerates a list of server attributes for the instance of SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumServerPermissions Overloaded.
Enumerates a list of server permissions for the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumStartupProcedures
Enumerates a list of startup procedures.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumWindowsDomainGroups Overloaded.
Enumerates a list of Microsoft Windows group accounts defined on a domain.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumWindowsGroupInfo Overloaded.
Enumerates a list of information about all Microsoft Windows groups that have explicitly granted access to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif EnumWindowsUserInfo Overloaded.
Enumerates a list of information about all Windows users that have explicitly granted access to Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object )
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetActiveDBConnectionCount
Returns the number of active connections for the specified database.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetDefaultInitFields
Returns the property types that are initialized by default when the specified object is initialized.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetHashCode  (inherited from Object )
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetPropertyNames
Returns the names of the initialized properties for the specified object type
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetSmoObject
Returns the object that is specified by a Universal Resource Name (URN) address.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetType  (inherited from Object )
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif Grant Overloaded.
Grants the specified set of permissions to the specified grantees on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif Initialize  Overloaded.
Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsDetachedPrimaryFile
Verifies whether the specified file is a primary (.mdf) database file.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsWindowsGroupMember
Verifies whether the specified Microsoft Windows user account is a member of the specified Windows group.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif KillAllProcesses
Stops the all processes on the specified database.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif KillDatabase
Deletes the specified database and drops any active connection.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif KillProcess
Stops the specified process.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif PingSqlServerVersion Overloaded.
Gets the version number of the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif ReadErrorLog Overloaded.
Enumerates the Microsoft SQL Server error log.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gifms220286.static(en-US,SQL.90).gif ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif Refresh Overridden.
Refreshes the objects and properties on the Server object.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif Revoke Overloaded.
Revokes a previously granted set of permissions from a grantee or grantees on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif SetDefaultInitFields Overloaded.
Specifies whether all the properties are fetched when objects are instantiated.
ms220286.pubmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif ToString 
Returns a String that represents the referenced object.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )

Protected Methods

  Name Description
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif AlterImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif AlterImplFinish  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif AlterImplInit  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif AlterImplWorker  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif BindDefaultImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif BindRuleImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif CheckCollation  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif CheckObjectState  Overloaded.
Validates the state of the referenced object.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif CheckObjectStateImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif CheckVersion80 
Checks the validity of the object on Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif CheckVersion80SP3 
Checks the validity of the object on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif CheckVersion90 
Check the validity of the object on Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif CheckVersionBelow90  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif CleanObject  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif CreateImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif CreateImplFinish  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif CreateImplInit  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif DropImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif DropImplWorker  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif Finalize  (inherited from Object )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif FormatSqlVariant  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GenerateDataSpaceScript  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetBindDefaultScript  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetBindRuleScript  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetBoolParameter  Overloaded. (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetDateTimeParameter  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetDateTimeParameterAsInt  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetDBName 
Gets the database name associated with the object.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetEnumParameter  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetFragOptionString  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetGuidParameter  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetParameter  Overloaded. (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetPropValue  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetPropValueOptional  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetPropValueOptionalAllowNull  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetRealValue  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetScriptingOptionsForCreate  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetServerName 
Gets the name of the instance of Microsoft SQL Server with which the object is associated.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetSqlServerVersionName 
Gets the version name of the instance of Microsoft SQL Server with which the object is associated.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetStringParameter  Overloaded. (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetTimeSpanParameterAsInt  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif GetUrnRecursive  Overloaded. (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif ImplInitialize  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gifms220286.static(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsCollectionDirty  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsObjectDirty 
Verifies whether the object properties have been modified and the changes have not yet been persisted on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsObjectInitialized 
Verifies whether the object has been initialized.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsObjectInSpace 
Verifies whether the object is isolated or connected to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
(inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif IsVersion80SP3  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif MarkDropped  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif MarkForDropImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif PostAlter  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif PostCreate  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif PostDrop  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif ScriptAlter  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif ScriptCreate  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif ScriptDdl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif ScriptDrop  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif ScriptImpl  Overloaded. (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif ScriptImplWorker  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif SetParentImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gifms220286.static(en-US,SQL.90).gif Trace  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif UnbindDefaultImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gif UnbindRuleImpl  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )
ms220286.protmethod(en-US,SQL.90).gifms220286.static(en-US,SQL.90).gif UpdateCollectionState2  (inherited from SqlSmoObject )

See Also


Server Class
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo Namespace

Other Resources

Connecting to an Instance of SQL Server
Disconnecting from an Instance of SQL Server
Managing Servers