
Called at the end of every change batch and manual knowledge commit on the destination provider to return an enumeration anchor that is used to determine the next set of changes to synchronize.


HRESULT GetEnumerationAnchor(
  BYTE *pAnchor,
  ULONG *pcbAnchor);


  • pAnchor
    [in, out, unique, size_is(*pcbAnchor)] Returns an enumeration anchor that is used to determine the next set of changes to synchronize. Return null if the anchor has not changed.

  • pcbAnchor
    [in, out] Specifies the number of bytes in pAnchor. Returns the number of bytes required to retrieve the ID when pAnchor is too small, or returns the number of bytes written.

Return Value

  • S_OK

  • HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA) when pAnchor is too small. In this case, the required number of bytes is returned in pcbAnchor.


This method is typically called twice in succession. For the first call, pAnchor is NULL and pcbAnchor points to a value of 0. In response to this call, this method returns the required size of pAnchor in pcbAnchor. For the second call, pAnchor points to a BYTE array of pcbAnchor size and this method fills it with the enumeration anchor.

See Also


IAnchorSyncProvider Interface