
Enumerates changes from a replica that occurred since the specified anchor value.


HRESULT EnumerateChanges(
  const BYTE *pAnchor,
  ULONG cbAnchor,
  IAnchorChangeDetectionCallback *pCallback);


  • pAnchor
    [in, unique, size_is(cbAnchor)] A byte array that represents an enumeration anchor, such as a timestamp. Changes that occurred since this anchor are enumerated. If the anchor is null, the provider should enumerate all items in the store.

  • cbAnchor
    [in] Specifies the number of bytes in pAnchor. Returns the number of bytes required to retrieve the ID when pAnchor is too small, or returns the number of bytes written.

  • pCallback
    [in] The IAnchorChangeDetectionCallback Interface object that enables the provider to call methods related to enumeration and change detection.

Return Value

  • S_OK

See Also


IAnchorSyncProvider Interface