Set IntelliSense options for PHP

Microsoft Expression Web provides you with several options that affect how IntelliSense functions while you work in a PHP script block in Code view.

You can enable IntelliSense to display selected PHP statement completion options as well as PHP parameter information.

For more information about how to use IntelliSense for PHP, see Author PHP by using IntelliSense.

To set IntelliSense options for PHP

  1. On the Tools menu, click Page Editor Options.

  2. In the Page Editor Options dialog box, on the IntelliSense tab, under Auto Popup, select or clear the following options:

    • PHP parameter information displays a tooltip that displays the parameters supported by the PHP function that you specified.

    • PHP statement completion displays a list of PHP functions or variables as specified in the PHP statement categories list.

    • PHP function categories displays functions based on specific PHP function categories, for example, Array, Calendar, Date/Time, Mathematical, String, and Variable.

See also


IntelliSense for PHP overview

Author PHP by using IntelliSense