Set the default page encoding for a website

When you set the default page encoding for a website in Microsoft Expression Web, a content-type <meta> tag is added to new pages that you create in that site.


By default, Expression Web creates a text/HTML content type with a UTF-8 character set declaration.

The following is an example of a content-type <meta> tag:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

This content-type <meta> tag includes http-equiv and content attributes. The http-equiv attribute with the content-type value declares this <meta> tag as a content-type <meta> tag. The text/html value of the content attribute defines this document as a text-based file that should be displayed in the browser as HTML. The charset value of the content attribute declares the character encoding, which tells the browser how to display the characters in the file. In the above example, the charset value is UTF-8.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommends that HTML and XHTML files that are displayed as HTML include a content-type <meta> tag.


If you set the default page encoding to <none>, you will have to set the page encoding for each page you create in the site.

To set the default page encoding for a website

  1. On the Site menu, click Site Settings, and then click the Language tab.

  2. In the Default page encoding list, select the page encoding that you want as a default setting for the active website.

  3. If you do not want Expression Web to verify that the encoding matches your keyboard settings, select the Ignore the keyboard when deciding the encoding of new pages check box.

See also


Check the spelling of different languages

Set the page and language encoding for a web page