How to: Associate a Web Page with an Outlook Folder

Applies to

The information in this topic applies only to the specified Visual Studio Tools for Office projects and versions of Microsoft Office.

Project type

  • Application-level projects

Microsoft Office version

  • Outlook 2003

  • Outlook 2007

For more information, see Features Available by Application and Project Type.

This example checks for a folder named HtmlView in Microsoft Office Outlook. If the folder does not exist, the code creates the folder and assigns a Web page to it. If the folder exists, the code displays the folder contents.


Private Sub CreateHtmlView()
    Dim newView As Outlook.MAPIFolder = Nothing 
    Dim viewName As String = "HtmlView" 
    Dim inBox As Outlook.MAPIFolder = Me.Application.ActiveExplorer(). _
        Session.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders _
    Dim searchFolders As Outlook.Folders = inBox.Folders()
    Dim foundView As Boolean = False 
    For Each searchFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder In searchFolders
        If searchFolder.Name = viewName Then
            newView = inBox.Folders(viewName)
            foundView = True 
        End If 
    If foundView = False Then
        newView = inBox.Folders.Add(viewName, _
        newView.WebViewURL = ""
        newView.WebViewOn = True 
    End If
End Sub
private void CreateHtmlFolder()
    Outlook.MAPIFolder newView = null;
    string viewName = "HtmlView";
    Outlook.MAPIFolder inBox = (Outlook.MAPIFolder)
    Outlook.Folders searchFolders = (Outlook.Folders)inBox.Folders;
    bool foundView = false;
    foreach (Outlook.MAPIFolder searchFolder in searchFolders)
        if (searchFolder.Name == viewName)
            newView = inBox.Folders[viewName];
            foundView = true;
    if (!foundView)
        newView = (Outlook.MAPIFolder)inBox.Folders.
            Add("HtmlView", Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox);
        newView.WebViewURL = "";
        newView.WebViewOn = true;

See Also


How to: Retrieve a Folder by Name

How to: Create Custom Folder Items


Working with Folders