NewItemTypesAttribute.TypeId Property

This member overrides Attribute.TypeId, and more complete documentation might be available in that topic.

Gets the type ID for this attribute.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.PropertyEditing
Assembly:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction (in Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction.dll)


Public Overrides ReadOnly Property TypeId As Object
public override Object TypeId { get; }
virtual property Object^ TypeId {
    Object^ get () override;
abstract TypeId : Object
override TypeId : Object
override function get TypeId () : Object

Property Value

Type: System.Object
An object representing the type ID.


Returns an equality array unique to this attribute type and the contained factory type. The order in which the type attributes are passed into the constructor of this class (if there are more than one) is important and is used in determining the equality of two NewItemTypesAttribute instances.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


NewItemTypesAttribute Class

Microsoft.Windows.Design.PropertyEditing Namespace


Other Resources

Property Editing Architecture

WPF Designer Extensibility