Running the Application

In this lesson, you will install and run your application.

Running the Application

In the previous lesson, you published the application. Next you will install it on your local computer and test it to make sure that it behaves as expected.

To install and test the application

  1. In File Explorer, locate the Publish folder in your project folder.


    To find your project folder, choose the MyFirstApplication node in Solution Explorer and look at the Project Folder property in the Properties window.

  2. Open the Setup.exe file.

    The Application Install – Security Warning dialog box appears.

  3. Choose Install to install the application.

    After installation is complete, the Northwind application appears with the Orders by Customer screen open.

  4. Choose the Contacts menu item, and open the Contacts screen. Enter some data, and verify that the application behaves exactly as it did when you ran it from the IDE.

  5. Choose the Delete button to remove each contact from the Contacts screen, and then choose Save.

  6. Choose the Find button.

  7. In the error message that appears, choose the OK button, and then close the application.

Closer Look

In this lesson, you learned how to install and run the application. Now that it is installed, you can run the application again by clicking Northwind Application on the Start menu.

It is a good practice to test the installation and runtime behavior of an application before deploying it to users. When doing this, test it on a computer that has a configuration similar to what you expect users to have. In fact, if you copy the files for the Northwind application and install it on another computer, you will likely find that it does not work. That is expected, because the connection strings that you used are specific to your local computer.

You might have noticed that the Product screen is not available. You logged in as the administrator, and the administrator role does not have the View Products permission.

You probably also noticed that when you clicked the Find button, an error message appeared. This message indicates a bug in your application, and you should to go back and fix it before you give it to users.

Next Steps

In the next lesson, you will modify the application and publish a new version.

Next lesson: Changing the Application and Publishing Again

See Also


How to: Deploy a 2-tier Application

Other Resources

Distributing Your Application

Deployment: Distributing and Maintaining Your Application