IDirectiveProcessor Methods

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Include Inherited Members

The IDirectiveProcessor type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method FinishProcessingRun Finishes a round of directive processing.
Public method GetClassCodeForProcessingRun Gets the code to contribute to the generated template processing class because of the most recent run.
Public method GetImportsForProcessingRun Gets any namespaces to import because of the most recent run.
Public method GetPostInitializationCodeForProcessingRun Gets the code to contribute to the body of the initialize method of the generated template processing class because of the most recent run. This code will run after the base class' Initialize method.
Public method GetPreInitializationCodeForProcessingRun Gets the code to contribute to the body of the initialize method of the generated template processing class because of the most recent run. This code will run before the base class' Initialize method.
Public method GetReferencesForProcessingRun Gets any references to pass to the compiler because of the most recent run.
Public method GetTemplateClassCustomAttributes Gets any custom attributes to include on the template class.
Public method Initialize Initializes the processor instance.
Public method IsDirectiveSupported Does this DirectiveProcessor support the given directive.
Public method ProcessDirective Processes a directive from a template file.
Public method SetProcessingRunIsHostSpecific Informs the directive processor whether the run is host-specific.
Public method StartProcessingRun Starts a round of directive processing.


See Also


IDirectiveProcessor Interface

Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating Namespace