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Application Methods

Methods Description
addMessageFilter Adds a message filter to the application's message pump.
addOnApplicationExit Adds an applicationExit event handler to the application.
addOnIdle Adds an idle event handler to the application.
addOnSettingChange Adds a settingChange event handler to the application.
addOnSystemShutdown Adds a systemShutdown event handler to the application.
addOnThreadException Adds a threadException event handler to the application.
allocThreadStorage Allocates a slot of per-thread storage space and returns an index to it.
createThread Executes the specified delegate on its own thread asyncronously.
doEvents Processes Windows messages currently in the message queue.
exit Quits the message loops of all threads in the application.
exitThread Quits the message loop on the current thread and closes all windows on the thread.
freeThreadStorage Frees the specified thread's storage slot.
getActiveForm Retrieves a reference to the currently active form for the application.
getCurrentLocale Retrieves a Locale object that represents the locale settings for the current thread.
getStartupPath Retrieves the path that the application was run from.
getThreadStorage Retrieves an object that has been stored in the specified thread's storage slot.
OLERequired Initializes OLE in your application.
removeMessageFilter Removes a message filter previously added through addMessageFilter.
removeOnApplicationExit Removes an applicationExit event handler that was previously added with addOnApplicationExit.
removeOnIdle Removes an idle event handler previously added through addOnIdle.
removeOnSettingChange Removes a settingChange event handler that was previously added with addSettingChangeHandler.
removeOnSystemShutdown Removes a systemShutdown event handler from the application that was previously added with addOnSystemShutdown.
removeOnThreadException Removes a threadException event handler that was previously added through addOnThreadException.
run Begins running a standard application and its associated message loop in the current thread.
setCurrentLocale Sets the locale for the current thread.
setThreadStorage Sets an object in a specific thread's storage slot.