Int32.ToString Method

[ This article is for Windows Phone 8 developers. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]

Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.

Namespace:  System
Assembly:  mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)


Public Overrides Function ToString As String
public override string ToString()

Return Value

Type: System..::.String
The string representation of the value of this instance, consisting of a negative sign if the value is negative, and a sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9 with no leading zeroes.


The return value is formatted with the general numeric format specifier ("G") and the NumberFormatInfo object for the current culture. To define the formatting of the integer value's string representation, call the Int32..::.ToString(String) method. To define the culture whose formatting is used in the integer value's string representation, call the Int32..::.ToString(IFormatProvider) method. To define both the format specifier and culture used in creating the string representation of an integer value, call the Int32..::.ToString(String, IFormatProvider) method.

The .NET Framework provides extensive formatting support, which is described in greater detail in the following formatting topics:


The following example displays an Int32 value using the default ToString()()() method. It also displays the string representations of the Int32 value that results from using a number of standard format specifiers. The examples are displayed using the formatting conventions of the en-US culture.

Dim value As Integer = -16325
' Display value using default ToString method.
outputBlock.Text &= value.ToString() & vbCrLf            ' Displays -16325
' Display value using some standard format specifiers.
outputBlock.Text &= value.ToString("G") & vbCrLf         ' Displays -16325
outputBlock.Text += String.Format(value.ToString("C"))         ' Displays ($16,325.00) & vbCrLf
outputBlock.Text &= value.ToString("D") & vbCrLf         ' Displays -16325
outputBlock.Text &= value.ToString("F") & vbCrLf         ' Displays -16325.00
outputBlock.Text &= value.ToString("N") & vbCrLf         ' Displays -16,325.00
outputBlock.Text &= value.ToString("X") & vbCrLf         ' Displays FFFFC03B      
int value = -16325;
// Display value using default ToString method.
outputBlock.Text += value.ToString() + "\n";            // Displays -16325
// Display value using some standard format specifiers.
outputBlock.Text += value.ToString("G") + "\n";         // Displays -16325
outputBlock.Text += value.ToString("C") + "\n";         // Displays ($16,325.00)
outputBlock.Text += value.ToString("D") + "\n";         // Displays -16325
outputBlock.Text += value.ToString("F") + "\n";         // Displays -16325.00
outputBlock.Text += value.ToString("N") + "\n";         // Displays -16,325.00
outputBlock.Text += value.ToString("X") + "\n";         // Displays FFFFC03B      

Version Information

Windows Phone OS

Supported in: 8.1, 8.0, 7.1, 7.0


Windows Phone

See Also


Int32 Structure

ToString Overload

System Namespace


Other Resources

Formatting Types