ThreadPool Methods

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

[ This article is for Windows Phone 8 developers. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]

The ThreadPool type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
GetMaxThreads Retrieves the number of requests to the thread pool that can be active concurrently. All requests above that number remain queued until thread pool threads become available.
GetMinThreads Retrieves the number of idle threads the thread pool maintains in anticipation of new requests.
QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback) Queues a method for execution. The method executes when a thread pool thread becomes available.
QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback, Object) Queues a method for execution, and specifies an object containing data to be used by the method. The method executes when a thread pool thread becomes available.
RegisterWaitForSingleObject(WaitHandle, WaitOrTimerCallback, Object, Int32, Boolean) Registers a delegate to wait for a WaitHandle, specifying a 32-bit signed integer for the time-out in milliseconds.
RegisterWaitForSingleObject(WaitHandle, WaitOrTimerCallback, Object, Int64, Boolean) Registers a delegate to wait for a WaitHandle, specifying a 64-bit signed integer for the time-out in milliseconds.
RegisterWaitForSingleObject(WaitHandle, WaitOrTimerCallback, Object, TimeSpan, Boolean) Registers a delegate to wait for a WaitHandle, specifying a TimeSpan value for the time-out.
RegisterWaitForSingleObject(WaitHandle, WaitOrTimerCallback, Object, UInt32, Boolean) Registers a delegate to wait for a WaitHandle, specifying a 32-bit unsigned integer for the time-out in milliseconds.
SetMaxThreads Security Critical. Sets the number of requests to the thread pool that can be active concurrently. All requests above that number remain queued until thread pool threads become available.
SetMinThreads Security Critical. Sets the number of idle threads the thread pool maintains in anticipation of new requests.


See Also


ThreadPool Class

System.Threading Namespace