AttributeTargets Enumeration

[ This article is for Windows Phone 8 developers. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]

Specifies the application elements on which it is valid to apply an attribute.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Namespace:  System
Assembly:  mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)


<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration AttributeTargets
public enum AttributeTargets


Member name Description
All Attribute can be applied to any application element.
Assembly Attribute can be applied to an assembly.
Class Attribute can be applied to a class.
Constructor Attribute can be applied to a constructor.
Delegate Attribute can be applied to a delegate.
Enum Attribute can be applied to an enumeration.
Event Attribute can be applied to an event.
Field Attribute can be applied to a field.
GenericParameter Attribute can be applied to a generic parameter.
Currently, this attribute can be applied only in C#, Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL), and emitted code.
Interface Attribute can be applied to an interface.
Method Attribute can be applied to a method.
Module Attribute can be applied to a module.
Module refers to a portable executable file (.dll or.exe) and not a Visual Basic standard module.
Parameter Attribute can be applied to a parameter.
Property Attribute can be applied to a property.
ReturnValue Attribute can be applied to a return value.
Struct Attribute can be applied to a structure; that is, a value type.


The AttributeUsageAttribute class uses this enumeration to specify the kind of element on which it is valid to apply an attribute.

AttributeTargets enumeration values can be combined with a bitwise OR operation to get the preferred combination.


The following example illustrates the application of attributes to various targets.


Visual Basic syntax currently does not support the application of attributes to type parameters.

Module DemoModule
   ' This attribute is only valid on a class.
   <AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)> _
   Public Class ClassTargetAttribute
      Inherits Attribute
   End Class

   ' This attribute is only valid on a method.
   <AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)> _
   Public Class MethodTargetAttribute
      Inherits Attribute
   End Class

   ' This attribute is only valid on a constructor.
   <AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Constructor)> _
   Public Class ConstructorTargetAttribute
      Inherits Attribute
   End Class

   ' This attribute is only valid on a field.
   <AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field)> _
   Public Class FieldTargetAttribute
      Inherits Attribute
   End Class

   ' This attribute is valid on a class or a method.
   <AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class Or AttributeTargets.Method)> _
   Public Class ClassMethodTargetAttribute
      Inherits Attribute
   End Class

   ' This attribute is valid on any target.
   <AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All)> _
   Public Class AllTargetsAttribute
      Inherits Attribute
   End Class

   <ClassTarget(), _
   ClassMethodTarget(), _
   AllTargets()> _
   Public Class TestClassAttribute
      <ConstructorTarget(), _
      AllTargets()> _
      Public Sub New()
      End Sub

      <MethodTarget(), _
      ClassMethodTarget(), _
      AllTargets()> _
      Public Sub Method1()
      End Sub

      <FieldTarget(), _
      AllTargets()> _
      Public myInt As Integer
   End Class

   Sub Main()
   End Sub
End Module
using System;

namespace AttTargsCS {
    // This attribute is only valid on a class.
    public class ClassTargetAttribute : Attribute {

    // This attribute is only valid on a method.
    public class MethodTargetAttribute : Attribute {

    // This attribute is only valid on a constructor.
    public class ConstructorTargetAttribute : Attribute {

    // This attribute is only valid on a field.
    public class FieldTargetAttribute : Attribute {

    // This attribute is valid on a class or a method.
    public class ClassMethodTargetAttribute : Attribute {

    // This attribute is valid on a generic type parameter.
    public class GenericParameterTargetAttribute : Attribute {

    // This attribute is valid on any target.
    public class AllTargetsAttribute : Attribute {

    public class TestClassAttribute {
        TestClassAttribute() {

        public void Method1() {

        public int myInt;

        public void GenericMethod<
            [GenericParameterTarget, AllTargets] T>(T x) {

        static void Main(string[] args) {

Version Information

Windows Phone OS

Supported in: 8.1, 8.0, 7.1, 7.0


Windows Phone

See Also


System Namespace
