System.Windows.Navigation Namespace

[ This article is for Windows Phone 8 developers. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]

Provides types that support navigation, including navigating between pages and navigation journaling.


  Class Description
FragmentNavigationEventArgs Provides data for the OnFragmentNavigation method and FragmentNavigation event.
JournalEntry Represents an entry in either back or forward navigation history.
JournalEntryRemovedEventArgs Provides data when removing journal entries from the back navigation history.
NavigatingCancelEventArgs Provides data for the OnNavigatingFrom method and the Navigating event.
NavigationContext Represents the state of a navigation operation.
NavigationEventArgs Provides data for navigation methods and event handlers that cannot cancel the navigation request.
NavigationFailedEventArgs Provides data for the NavigationFailed event of the NavigationService class and the NavigationFailed event of the Frame class.
NavigationService Provides methods, properties, and events to support navigation within a XAML application.
UriMapper Converts a uniform resource identifier (URI) into a new URI based on the rules of a matching object specified in a collection of mapping objects.
UriMapperBase Represents the base class for classes that convert a requested uniform resource identifier (URI) into a new URI based on mapping rules.
UriMapping Defines the pattern for converting a requested uniform resource identifier (URI) into a new URI.


  Delegate Description
FragmentNavigationEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the FragmentNavigation event.
LoadCompletedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the WebBrowser..::.LoadCompleted event.
NavigatedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Navigated event.
NavigatingCancelEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Navigating event, which is a cancelable event.
NavigationFailedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the NavigationFailed event.
NavigationStoppedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the NavigationStopped event.


  Enumeration Description
JournalOwnership Specifies the type of journal used by the frame.
NavigationCacheMode Specifies how the page is cached when used within a frame.
NavigationMode Specifies the type of navigation that is occurring.