SecurityProperty Fields


Namespace:   System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn.Authorization
Assembly:  System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn.ClaimTransforms (in System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn.ClaimTransforms.dll)


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static ADFSUriPrefix

The common prefix to Uris which identify the AD FS claim types.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static CommonNameClaimUri

Value of the Uri property of a SecurityProperty instance, when that instance represents an AD FS CommonName Claim.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static CustomClaimUri

Value of the Uri property of a SecurityProperty instance, when that instance represents an AD FS Custom Claim.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static EmailClaimUri

Value of the Uri property of a SecurityProperty instance, when that instance represents an AD FS EmailName claim.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static GroupClaimUri

Value of the Uri property of a SecurityProperty instance, when that instance represents an AD FS Group claim.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static UpnClaimUri

Value of the Uri property of a SecurityProperty instance, when that instance represents an AD FS UPN Claim.

See Also

SecurityProperty Class
System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn.Authorization Namespace

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