GetClusterNotifyV2 function (clusapi.h)

Retrieves information about the next notification event for a notification port.


DWORD GetClusterNotifyV2(
  [in]                HCHANGE                 hChange,
  [out]               DWORD_PTR               *lpdwNotifyKey,
  [in, out, optional] PNOTIFY_FILTER_AND_TYPE pFilterAndType,
  [in, out, optional] BYTE                    *buffer,
  [in, out, optional] LPDWORD                 lpbBufferSize,
  [in, out, optional] LPWSTR                  lpszObjectId,
  [in, out, optional] LPDWORD                 lpcchObjectId,
  [in, out, optional] LPWSTR                  lpszParentId,
  [in, out, optional] LPDWORD                 lpcchParentId,
  [in, out, optional] LPWSTR                  lpszName,
  [in, out, optional] LPDWORD                 lpcchName,
  [in, out, optional] LPWSTR                  lpszType,
  [in, out, optional] LPDWORD                 lpcchType,
  [in, optional]      DWORD                   dwMilliseconds


[in] hChange

A handle to the notification port. This handle is created by the CreateClusterNotifyPortV2 function.

[out] lpdwNotifyKey

A pointer to the notification key for the notification port.

[in, out, optional] pFilterAndType

A pointer to a NOTIFY_FILTER_AND_TYPE structure that describes the next notification event for the notification port.

[in, out, optional] buffer

A pointer to a buffer for the notification event.

[in, out, optional] lpbBufferSize

A pointer to the size of the buffer parameter, in bytes.

[in, out, optional] lpszObjectId

A pointer to a Unicode string with the ID of the cluster object that triggered the event. The string ends with a terminating null character.

[in, out, optional] lpcchObjectId

On input, a pointer to a DWORD that specifies the maximum number of characters that the lpszObjectId parameter can hold, including the terminating null character. On output, a pointer to a DWORD that specifies the number of characters that lpszObjectId received, excluding the terminating null character.

[in, out, optional] lpszParentId

A pointer to a Unicode string with the ID of the parent to the cluster object that triggered the event. The string ends with a terminating null character.

[in, out, optional] lpcchParentId

On input, a pointer to a DWORD that specifies the maximum number of characters the lpszParentId parameter can hold, including the terminating null character. On output, a pointer to a DWORD that specifies the number of characters that lpszParentId received, excluding the terminating null character.

[in, out, optional] lpszName

A pointer to a Unicode string that contains the name of the cluster object that triggered the event. The string ends with a terminating null character.

[in, out, optional] lpcchName

On input, a pointer to a DWORD that specifies the maximum number of characters that the lpszName parameter can hold, including the terminating null character. On output, a pointer to a DWORD that specifies the number of characters that lpszName received, excluding the terminating null character.

[in, out, optional] lpszType

A pointer to a Unicode string that contains the type of cluster object that triggered the event. The string ends with a terminating null character.

[in, out, optional] lpcchType

On input, a pointer to a DWORD that specifies the maximum number of characters the lpszType parameter can hold, including the terminating null character. On output, a pointer to a DWORD that specifies the number of characters that lpszType received, excluding the terminating null character.

[in, optional] dwMilliseconds

A time-out value that specifies how long the caller is willing to wait for the notification.

Return value

if the operation succeeds, this function returns ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the operation fails, this function returns one of the following system error codes.

Return code/value Description
The handle that is represented in the hChange parameter is invalid or has been closed by another thread.
258 (0x102)
The call timed out before the notification could be successfully returned.
234 (0xEA)
The buffer pointed to by the lpszName parameter is not big enough to hold the result. The lpcchName parameter returns the number of characters in the result, excluding the terminating null character.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Target Platform Windows
Header clusapi.h
Library ClusAPI.lib
DLL ClusAPI.dll

See also

Failover Cluster Management Function