ResUtilVerifyPropertyTable function (resapi.h)

Uses a property table to verify that a property list is correctly formatted.


DWORD ResUtilVerifyPropertyTable(
  [in]            const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable,
                  PVOID                        Reserved,
  [in]            BOOL                         bAllowUnknownProperties,
  [in]            const PVOID                  pInPropertyList,
  [in]            DWORD                        cbInPropertyListSize,
  [out, optional] LPBYTE                       pOutParams


[in] pPropertyTable

Pointer to a property table describing the properties that will be validated in the property list.


This parameter is reserved for future use.

[in] bAllowUnknownProperties

If TRUE, the function ignores all properties in the property list that are not included in the property table. If FALSE, any property in the property list that is not included in the property table causes the function to return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.

[in] pInPropertyList

Pointer to the input buffer containing the property list to validate.

[in] cbInPropertyListSize

Size in bytes of the input buffer pointed to by pInPropertyList.

[out, optional] pOutParams

Pointer to a parameter block.

Return value

If the operation succeeds, the function returns ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the operation fails, the function returns a system error code. The following are possible error codes.

Return code Description
The property list buffer is larger than reported by the cbInPropertyListSize parameter.
No property list buffer was specified, or the property list is formatted incorrectly
The property list is formatted incorrectly. If bAllowUnknownProperties is set to FALSE, the property list may contain properties that are not present in the property table.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, Windows Server 2008 Datacenter
Target Platform Windows
Header resapi.h
Library ResUtils.lib
DLL ResUtils.dll

See also