QOSCloseHandle function (qos2.h)

The QOSCloseHandle function closes a handle returned by the QOSCreateHandle function.


ExternC BOOL QOSCloseHandle(
  [in] HANDLE QOSHandle


[in] QOSHandle

Handle to the QOS subsystem returned by QOSCreateHandle.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is 0. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

Return code Description
The QOSHandle parameter is invalid.


All flows added on the handle being closed are immediately removed from the system. Any traffic going out of a socket used to create these flows will no longer be marked with priority values. Any pending operations on these flows are immediately completed with ERROR_ABORTED.

If any clients were being tracked through the handle being closed by a previous call to the QOSStartTrackingClient function, QOSCloseHandle indicates that the application is no longer using the client endpoint.


The following "CleanUpQos" function illustrates the use of QOSRemoveSocketFromFlow and QOSCloseHandle:

See the Windows SDK for a complete sample code listing. SDK folder: Samples\NetDs\GQos\Qos2

The Winsock2.h header file must be included to use Winsock defined identifiers or functions.

int CleanUpQos( HANDLE qosHandle, 
           SOCKET connSocket, 
           QOS_FLOWID qosFlowId, 
           DWORD qosFlags // qosFlags must be 0 
  // To ensure against generating an ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED exception
  // use a separate thread and Mutex protection to verify completion
  // of QOSRemoveSocketFromFlow before calling QOSCloseHandle.

  int result = 0;
  if (qosFlowId != 0)
    if( QOSRemoveSocketFromFlow(
        qosFlags) != TRUE)
            result = WSAGetLastError();

  // Under Mutex protection, add Wait function here. 

  if (qosHandle != NULL)
    if( QOSCloseHandle(qosHandle) != TRUE)
        result = WSAGetLastError();




Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header qos2.h (include Qos2.h)
Library Qwave.lib
DLL Qwave.dll

See also

Quality Windows Audio/Video Experience (qWAVE)