DXHelp Class (Microsoft.DirectX)

Contains miscellaneous helper functions for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code.


Visual Basic NotInheritable MustInherit Public Class DXHelp
    Inherits ObjectLeave Site
C# public abstract sealed class DXHelp : ObjectLeave Site
C++ public ref class DXHelp abstract sealed : ObjectLeave Site
JScript public final abstract class DXHelp extends ObjectLeave Site

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the object.


Method Description
static (Shared in Visual Basic) CopyObjectDataToPointer Copies a managed object to an unmanaged pointer.
static (Shared in Visual Basic) CopyPointerDataToObject Copies an unmanaged pointer to a managed object.
static (Shared in Visual Basic) GetObjectSize Retrieves an object's size.
static (Shared in Visual Basic) GetTypeSize Retrieves the size of the TypeLeave Site.

Inheritance Hierarchy

ObjectLeave Site


Class Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX (microsoft.directx.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492