
Defines constants that are used to indicate the revisions that were made to an update.


Member Description Value
ApplicabilityRules The update's applicability rules, prerequisites, or both applicability rules and prerequisites were revised. This change affects the clients to which the update is now applicable. 2
DescriptiveProperties The update revised one or more of the following properties:

Expired The update is expired. The publisher marks the update as expired when they do not want the update to be deployed. 1
EULA The end-user license agreement (EULA) for the update was revised. 32
FileBinaries The binaries for the update were revised. 4
InstallationInformation The update revised one or more of the following properties:

This value can also be set if the update is a bundled update and if one or more of the bundled update identifiers are changed.
None No revisions were made to the update. 0
SupersededUpdates One or more of the updates superseded by this update were revised. 64


Some revision changes can generate false positives. For example, this can happen if the order of the attributes changed from one revision to the next, but there is no material differences between the attributes. The following table identifies those changes that can generate false positives.

Change How a false positive can be returned
ApplicabilityRules The order of the applicability rules, prerequisites, or both applicability rules and prerequisites changed; however, there is no material differences in the rules or prerequisites.
DescriptiveProperties The order of the additional information URLs, knowledge base articles, or security bulletins changed; however, there is no material differences in the lists. For example, the list of security bulletins for the revision is the same as the last revision, only the order of the bulletin numbers changed.
EULA The order of the end-user license agreement attributes changed; however, there is no material differences in the attributes.
InstallationInformation The order of the installation or removal behavior changed; however, there is no material differences in the behaviors.


Server Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 Server SP4 and later.

Defined in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.


Requires Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration (in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.dll).

.NET Framework

Requires .NET Framework 1.1.

See Also
