Parameter element

Specifies the value to use for a parameter in the RunStep stage of a diagnostic test, on one node or on all of the nodes in the test.


  Name = "character_string"
  Value = "character_string"
  Format = "character_string"/>


Attribute Type Required Description




Specifies that format that the diagnostic service should use when specifying the parameter and its value for the RunStep command.

For this format string, {0} represents the parameter name and {1} represents the value that is specified for the parameter. The default value for this attribute is -{0}:{1}.




Specifies the name of the parameter for which you want to specify a value.




Specifies the value to use for the parameter for the RunStep stage. If the parameter is also defined in the XML that defines the test as a global parameter or as a RunStep-specific parameter, this value overrides any values that are specified in the test definition.

Child elements

There are no child elements.

Parent elements

Element Description


Represents a set of parameters that you want to set for the RunStep stage of a diagnostic test, on one node or on all of the nodes in the test.


This element should appear in the StepResult XML only for the PreStep stage of a diagnostic test. This element should not appear in the StepResult XML for the RunStep and PostStep stages.

If the Parameter element is child element of a Parameters element that is a child element of a Node element, the parameter value that the Parameter element specifies applies only to the node that corresponds to the Node element.

If the Parameter element is child element of a Parameters element that is a child element of a StepResult element, the parameter value that the Parameter element specifies applies to all of the nodes in the test.

Element information

Can be empty Yes

See also
